Hem » Integrations
Explore how you can integrate Idus with your
other production related systems.

Idus can be integrated with all types of HMI/SCADA systems. The integration can be done in two steps. The first step is to integrate for condition-based maintenance, meaning that Idus creates work orders based on actual operating data from HMI/SCADA at a certain interval. It works so that an operating value such as operating time, temperatures, flows, impacts, etc. tells when the job should occur. When a certain value, for example, a thousand operating hours, is reached, Idus responds by generating a finished work order.
In a second step, we can integrate the systems so that a right-click in HMI/SCADA shows Idus commands such as new work request, new create work order, create logbook event, and much more.


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Idus Plug-in for SCADA

Get a direct link between Idus and your SCADA that gives you access to all maintenance functions directly in the process image. The same interface is used for both systems, whether for monitoring, maintenance or planning.
When you right-click on an object in the process image, you get a maintenance menu. By selecting one of the functions, for example work order, Idu’s work order form appears directly in the SCADA System.

With an OPC connection, you can transfer values to Idus from PLCs, other hardware, sensors or SCADA systems. Idus reads values such as operating hours and alarms and creates work orders on real data.
In this way, you get an automatic transfer of values for, for example, planning maintenance. The signals can, for example, automatically trigger a work order or error report.If this error report represents a specific stop cause, this can be used for stop cause analysis in Idus.

Connect sensors with Idus for automatic condition monitoring and receive work orders when the actual maintenance need arises instead of performing maintenance late or early.
You can integrate Idus with all types of sensors. If you choose Idus partner sensors, you can benefit from machine learning when the sensor automatically learns the machine’s sound and filters out all false alarms.

ERP / Business Systems
Idus can be integrated with all types of ERP/Business systems. Idus keeps track of the maintenance costs but also the value of various equipment, which is of great help when reporting. Idus can, for example, transfer costs for material and hours spent, but also inventory balances and inventory values. You avoid any kind of double reporting and can spend less time on admin and more time on developing maintenance.

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GIS / Ledningsnätet
Idus can be integrated with all types of ERP/Business systems. Idus keeps track of the maintenance costs but also the value of various equipment, which is of great help when reporting. Idus can, for example, transfer costs for material and hours spent, but also inventory balances and inventory values. You avoid any kind of double reporting and can spend less time on admin and more time developing maintenance.
The integration means that everyone, even customer service employees, can receive, find and create work orders at the right position on the map. The activities are linked to the right customer in the customer register for feedback that can be sent out via SMS and email.

There is much to be gained by integrating Idus with OEE or MES systems. The machine operators only need to use one system and the maintenance department doesn’t have to work in two systems. A fault report in the OEE or MES system is automatically transferred to Idus where, after fixing the fault, the mechanic can correct the fault report with the correct fault cause, measure and then report back the necessary information so that the fault can be avoided in the future. The causes of errors can then be analyzed and conclusions can be drawn based on data in the maintenance system.

Proficy OEE

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/ Produktionsplanering
Planning and scheduling of preventive maintenance actions must often be done together with the production department. By integrating Idus with your production planning tool, you can visually and easily plan work based on the windows that are optimal for production.

Contact us
Contact us if you want to know more about how you can integrate
Idus with your other production systems