Idus APP

Idus App

Idus App

Idus App is the tool of choice when working in the plant. You will always have full access to all necessary information. Approach a machine, scan the barcode/QR-code and see what has been done on the machine. Scan again and create a work order, attach a picture of what needs to be fixed or create a direct registration when a job is done. Add worked hours, used spare parts. The material will automatically be withdrawn from the storage when work is done. It doesn’t become any easier than that.

Round lists

As a round list-tool you can fast and efficiently check off round jobs/stations with the App. If you would detect any deviations you can fault report directly from the station or create a work order. If you would fix the fault directly, you can register the job with worked hours and used materials.

Round lists

You can enter values and measure points on round jobs. Values might be operating hours, temperatures, flows etc. You can read signals manually or with barcodes.


Idus has a separate App for the single purpose of storage management. You can very fast handle jobs like stocktaking, in deliveries, withdrawals and returns. Idus App will give you full control over your storage articles.

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